Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quarter 2

 Read aloud

      The activity was to read out loud, a fable that we chose. We chose to read to first graders. All of the EAL students had four chuildren for the audience. I chose a fable called Clarence the Crocodile by Griselda Gifford, because  I thought children would love this story. It had many pictures and cute characters.
      The purpose of the activity is to practice reading out loud, speak in right and clear pronunciation and to read it to others and also communicate with little childrens.
      I larned good reading skills from this activity. I had to have good fluency, pace, expression and volume, so that children who listen to my fable can understand easily what I want to say. I asked them questions, "Who is the characters?" and "Who wants to read this part of the character?", because sometime I made them toread to get their attention and make them enjoy.
       I could have learned better if I had chosen a book which had more dialogue. My book had much narration, but little dialogue. I got so nervous and frightened that children were not enjoying my reading. But later, Mrs.Chamberlain gave me a good advice. "Skip the pages which have only narration by telling the children what's going to happen". I think it is a good idea to read. Children don't get bored and I can read the book without feeling nervous, confidently. Next time, if we will do activities of reading out loud, I will use this method, so that I can do better.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


  1. What was the activity?
The activity was to read a an assigned book called “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle” and did a project about the book. My group made a newspaper about the Charlotte Doyle and I woked on the personal ads and also helped  Su-Hyun with the comic.

2 What was the purpose of the activity?

The purpose of the activity was to understand what is happening in the book. To do the project, I read the book again and again to find hints for the project.

3. What did I learn?

I learned the the hiatorical back grounds from the book. The book published in 1990 and honored by many publishing companies and the the voyage that Charlotte had is in 1832. I know that the book doesn`t say the truth of the voyage that Charlotte had, but it is interesting that people still had slave and ladies were not aloud to work during this period, about 200 years ago. It is pretty recently, becuase from thebegging of the voyage to to day, there were I can imagin that 2 people of my ancestores died. Charlotte`s behavior made me suprise. She didn`t care if the Captain Jaggery tease her, or tried keel her, she didn`t care about her house`s normal social behavior, she just always believed her self and her best friends.

4. How could I learned differently?
I could learn differently if I did the news articles. I was thinking the topic is interesting, too. Because, to write article of the newpaper, I will write it from third person view.. I think the article on the nespaper and the truth that happend on the ship will be different because,  the publishing company sometimes get not truth such as a rumor.

5. Did the activity relate to your goal this year?
The activity related to my goal this year. It gave me many historical background, and the awesome personality of Charlotte and learnd new vocabularies.


The activity was to write a science journal called SMYLE. I did about a lava boulder on the moon and the system of voice. Especially, I interested about lava boulder on the moon and I will write abut this journal.

 The purpose of the activity was to research the topic that I interested and to write the journal, get knowledge about the topic. In my SMYTLE journal, the topic was "A Rabbit On The Moon". Because, in Japan, people says that the black stuff on the moon (lava boulder) looks like a rabbit. I interested that what  is the black stuff that Japanese call it a rabbit.
 I learned that the black stuff on the moon is the lava boulder that a volcano on the moon erupted and lava poured forth on the low ground. Before I reseatched about the topic, I was thinking that the black stuff is a shadow, I was missunderstanfing even my parents either.

 I think I could learn diffrently if I connected it to science and math. After I got the project buck, I connected it to science and math.  It can be science becuase, it is about the moon and astromy. It can be math because,  to know when the volcano erupted scientists use math.

 The activity related to my goal this year. To write the journal, I researched on the internet and it increased my knowledge.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


                      Real Life Example of coordinate Ch.2.8

My example of the coordinate plane is a map.
On the map at right side shows the picture of South America continent treasure chest, and ships. To put the map on the coordinate plane,it becomes easily to see the position of the ships.

Since I am able to know the position of each ships, I could know the gap between the treasure chest and the black, bigger ship. There are 3 gaps between the two objects.

I can also know the directon that the ships sailing. For example, the red smaller ship is sailing the east of the black bigger ship.

To use coordinate plane, it becomeseasier to determine te position and the direction of the ship.
From this example, I am able to know that the coordinate plane helps us in real life a lot.


The activity was on Chapter2 section 8. It was about coordinate plane.

The purpose of the activity was to have skills to plot points and ordered pairs in to the right location in coordinate plane, connect it to realworld by solve word ploblems.
 I learned the way to plot the points and describe its location in coodinate plane, learned new bocabularies such as coordinate plane, quadrants amd ordered pairs. On worded ploblem, it was littlebit hard, but it gave me idea that how coordinate plane used in the world.  

 I think I learned differently if I  remembered  the vocabularies for coordinate plane form last year, when I learned it, I think I did better. When I solove the problems, becasuse I don't know the vocabs of coordinate plane in English, I had to go back to the beggining page of the lesson to look for the meaning of  the vocabs.  But, finally before the exam, I learned the vocabs, and became to solove the problems quickly.

 The activity related to my goal this year.  I leaned coordinate plane and to connect it to real world example, I understood it deeply.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


The activity were to know the speaking skill and traditions, such as traditional clothes of Arabic, the Arabic countries in the world.
The purpose of the activity is to have the basic Arabic speaking skill, know the traditions, and know the Arabic countries in the world. On Virtual School day, I worked on lavelling the Arabic countries.
I leaned the basic skill of talking Arabic and few vocabularies such as Marhaba and Madlassa.
I have learned differently if I leaned about Saudi's flag. I was absent for a class, and I missed the class about flag of Saudi Arabia.
The activity related to my goal this year, I learned couple way of speaking and vocabularies in Arabic and learned traditions.


The activities were how to use citation machine, upload an image and the tab key.The most interesting activity for me was about tab key.
The purpose of the activity was to have a skill using tab key. To use tab key, I can write sentences clearly and neatly. I can line up the first vocabulary in same place and the place of colon.
From this activity, I learned  how to use tab key. Before I did the activity, I was using the middle biggest key to make spaces between two vocabularies. I was pushing the middle key again and again to line up the sentences. Now, I know how to make spaces not using the middle key.
There was a direction on the TAB key page of the technology, and it says write in a sentence or two about what is the tab key about. I couldn't explain it very well, so if I wrote it clearly, I think I have learned differently.
The activity related to my goal this year. The activity told me how to use the tab key. And to use the skill, I can use the skill when I do typing.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


The acrtivity was about Columbus's third voyage.  We draw a map that shows the sea route and write a essay about Columbus's 3rd voyage. We named all the countries, sea, ocean and islands on the map.

The purpose of the activity was to learn the searoute which Colubus sailed on his third voyage, I learned many countries.

To write the essay, I learned how did he get to the voyage, who provided funding the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage, the dates, months, year of the voyage, etc. To draw the map, I learned which islands or countries he visited to gather supplies for his voyage, which ocean he sailed, where he arrived at the end.

I couold learned differently, if I color the oceans, countries on the map darker. Because, from far place, it is hardly see where is ocean and lands.
The activity helped me a lot, because I didn't know who provided the voyage for him, the reason of the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The activity was to sing and how to read the music sheets.
The purpose of the activity was to get better sinnging skills. To learn a song, Ms. Christensen tought me the way to rwad music.
from this activity, I learnt how to sing louder, becuase Ms,Christensen was repeating "Sing louder" in the class. Because, we worked on French song, I leaent the proununciation of French, it was quite fun.

Quarter 1


The activity was to play voleyball. I had classes to practice surving, attack and tossing.  
I had a test on surving.

The puupose of the activity is to get the skills of voleyball and to get better.

From this activity I learnt how to surve. Last year, when I had same activity, I couldn`t do good surving much, but from this activity I understood how to surve. I got better on surving.

I think if I try for afterschool voleyball practice I will get better Voleyball playing skills.

The activity related to my goal this year.

EAL G8 Quarter1 reflection

The activity was to read books about biography and present about the book in the class, using new vocabularies  which are biography, author, title, characters, setting, plot, and genre.

The purpose of the activity was to learn new vocaburaries. To use the vocabularies in the presentation, I can introduce my book in clearly way.

From this activity I learnt the useful vocaburaries. I also learnt the good way to present something, like make eye contacts, speak louder. On the presentation, I talked about to much plot of the book, but I think it made audience boring.

Because, my book was quite thin book, it had many pictures, but it had few information about the person I did, hence I coldn`t get much information about him. If I chose the book which has more information, I think I got more knowledge about him.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

EAL Quarter1 reflection

The activity was to read a biography book and present it infront of the class, using the vocabs, which are biography, author, title, characters, settting, plot and genre. To use the vocabs, I can present about the book clearly.
The purpose of the activity was to practice presentation infront of the class. corageously. To use the vocabs which my teacher gave me, I don"t be lost during the presentation.
From this activity, I learnt the vocabs which my tacher gave me, and the vocabs from the biography book which I read amd presened. I also learned how to speak clearly in front of the class.
I got better English skills and presenting skills on the activity.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


In this quarter, I learned about tobocco. After we studied, we made skits with groups.  I woked with Shataji and Erin. Shataji made the script and Erin and I just act on that.

The purpose of the activity is to act, students can learn vocabs on textbook easily, and they can also understand defenision of the vocabs.

I leaned many vocabs and to act, I had fun.

I learned more differently, I saw other groups` acts and I learned many vocabs.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, to act, it helped me to understand vocabs.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In this quarter, we did Chapter 8 of our textbook. In the chapter, we did about ratios, rates, slope, writing and sloving proportions, solving proportions using crosss products, scale drawing and models. And  after we learned, we had chapter test.

The purpose of the activity is to learn about ratios and rate. In next chapter, I learned about fractions, angles. In there, I used ratios and rate, too.

I learned about ratios, and slope. On the chapter test, I missed graphing of slope. I was thinking that I can find slope with run/rise, but actually I had to do slope= rise/run.

I leaarned more differently. I went class zone of the moodle and I  practiced with it.

It related to my goal this year. I already learned it when I was 5th grade, but I was already forgetting many things about slope and ratios. So, this time, I can review many things that I have to know.


In quarter 4, we did a presentation about drugs with partners. Every beginning of the class, we wrote jurnal that  our teacher give the topic for us. Every journal, I got 14 out of 15( included EAL points). It was hard to answer these questions, because my teacher ask me such as difficult and hard questions.

The purpose of the activity was to say own oppinion with informations from the textbook.
We wrote about, how can we respond to the drug use`s challenge, how can you avoid taking drugs, extrovert personality more at risk than the introvert personality.

I learned to make good paragraphs. After we read the textbook, on the jurnal, we should have summary of the xtbook in our brain, and we should write our oppinon with informations in our brain.

I learned more differently, because some people shared their oppinion before they write their oppinion on their paper, so I can heard many people`s oppinion before I write mine, and I can think the topic from many ways.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, it also gave me practice for writing.


In this quarter, I learned about geometric figures on Chapter 10. On Chapter 10, we learned about angles, special paira of angles, triangles, polygons, similar and congruent polygons and using proportions with similar polygons. We did test on Ch.10, Sec.1 to 4 on May 25th. There were so many new vocabs in Ch.10 and it was hard to remenber all of them. It was hard to remenber pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon. Because, all of them are sound like same for me, but on the test I didn`t get wrong about polygons.

The purpose of the activity was to study about geometric figures and to take the test, see improve that before we studied about the chapter.

I learned many vocabs with defenishons and to know these words, we soloved many questions, forexample, to find each corresponding angles in picture, you can use supplymentary, or congruent. To learn vocabs on textbook, we can solove the problems on textbook easily.

The activity was related to my goal this year. I loved the study, because I love polygons and solove each angles.

Quarter 4

In this quarter, we learned about biomes such as forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest, boreal forest and tundra. And after that, we had a project about biomes. I made a partner and I did about grassland, my partner did about desert and presented it in the class. In the presentation, we had to have, introduce content, teach the content, reinforcement and  assessment.

The purpose of activity was, to understand about biomes. And to students present their project in class, audience can understand many biomes if they didn`t make a project about it.

I learned about grassland biomes very well. First, I saprised that there are a lot of grassland in many continents and all of the continents in the world have grassland biomes.  Meanwhile, there are not much desert biome in the world. And desert is spreaded out to many places. And I also didn`t know that desert receive less than 25 cm of rainfall in a year. I was thinking the rainfall in desert doesn`t have so much rain.

I learned the activity differently, because, I also watched my partner`s powerpoint and I studied, hence I can constrast and find similarrities brtween 2 biomes.

The activity related to my goal this year. To make the presentation about grassland, I understood about grassland, and I studied many internet site, so I had more informations than I judt study the textbook.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


In this quarter, I studied a poem. It`s called " The Rime Of  The Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Colidge. After, we studied the poem, we made 2 to 7 partners, and we did act on the poem. My partners were Izatur and Divya and we did part 3 of the poem. Izatur and I made the script of the act, Divya checked the grammar. Izatur and I also made the powerpoint, and Albatross. I bringed costumes. Divya did narrator, Izatur act the Ancient Mariner and Life in Death, I act the sailor and the death. It was hard to remenber my parts.

The purpose was to understand meaning of the poem and enjoy to study the poem. I enjoyed the act, but is was so hard to work, but my partners helped me.

I learned the meaning of the poem and I also learned how to act from my teacher.

It related to my goal this year.


The activity was to draw world map without a rule. From quarter1 to begging of Quarter 4, we parcticed each contients and we had test almost each week. Quarter1, I learned Europe, quarter2, I learned Asia, Africa, quarter 3, I learned Australia and America.

The purpose was to know location, shape of continents of the world. I drew a world map beginning of first quarter, hence I think my teacher wanted to see differences between the map that I drew on quarter1, and quarter4. 

I learned how to draw the world map and find differences between before and now.

I could learn differently. I also named some big countries in the mapping test that I learned during this year.

The activity related to my goal this year, because before I did the project, I didn`t know where is each continnts locating.  On my fast world map that I did on quarter1, I forgot to draw America, that meaning is, I didn`t know where is America. This time, I wrote more better map than 1 year ago. I can see that my skill of  drawing map was improved.

Friday, May 20, 2011


In this quarter, we made a power point presentation about Islamic countries. I did about Malaysia.

The purpose is, to know that we have many Islamic believer in the world, and feel and enjoy Islamic culture.

I learned many things about Malaysia. I realized that 60% of Malaysian people are practicing Islam. It is a lot.

We also presented own project in MOE class, so I learned many Islamic countries in the world. I think most of Asian countries have many Islamic believer.

The activity related to my goal this year.


In this quarter, I learned Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It was not hard for me, because I already learned them 1st grade to 3rd grade, in my home country.

The purpose of the activity is learn how to solove Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

I learned Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in English.


My partner and I made a video about birthday. I didn`t know how to use PC, how can I make a video and English, hence my partner helped me very much.

The purpose is learn way to make a video, and present own report that we wrote.

I learned many things about PC. I don`t remenber how many things I learned in the project.

I also had to say who is the birthday girl or birthday boy in Augest and September. It was so hard to pronounce their name.

It related to my goal this year.


The activity was, to make a powerpoint. We had to made a powerpoint about ourself.

The purpose of the activity was, to present each self, because this quarter EAL had 3 newstudents,
 which is from ,Venezuela, Korea and Japan. I was one of the new student.

First, I learned how to make powerpoint presentation, because, it was 2nd time, that I made my powerpoint, because I didn`t learn how to make it in my home country. Secondly, I learned many vocabs and good grammer, it was so hard to make it, so sometimes, my father helped me.

I also presented my powerpoint in EAL class. Actually, I didn`t know that I`m going to present it, so I didn`t practice to present. So, it was hard to present. My classmate who knows how to speak my language helped me.

I think that the project related to my goal this year. In my country, I didn`t practice that present my work alone, hence I was so tense that I broke out in a cold sweat.


In fourth quarter, we did many fitness tests. Three of them were skiooing, shuttle runs, and push ups. Each week, we tested on a new activity, and we also had the chance to improve our fitness.On Saturday and monday, we did practice, and on Wedensday, we were tested.

The purpose of the activity was, to improve our general fitness and strength in our general fitness and strength iin our arms, legs, and heart.

Every P.E. class, we practiced 20 push ups for warm up. And at that time, I did20 times, but I was doing not good push ups. Because, on the test, my teacher told us, Bring your arm down, and it was so hard for everyone. Hence, my result on the test was about 10 times, but I learned good push ups on the test.


In fouth quarter, we learned a new song, it is called "We Are The World". Our teacher gave us the music with the words, and asked us, "Just sing it the best we could". Secondly, she played the tune on the CD player. Thidly, we practiced singing with the CD player.

The purpose of the activity is, to sing "We Are The World" as a class. Some groups of 2 or 3 people learned the verses  and the whole class sing the chorus. On May 30th, we will sing this song at a concert.

I learned how to sing with many people. I also learned that the song was written in the U.S.A. and singing it, they raised money for American poor people.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


The activity was to make a dictionary of idioms, slangs and knock-knock-jokes. First, I found 12 idioms from, www. idiomsite.com, 6 slangs from www. slangsite. com and 6 knock-knock jokes from http://www.knock-knock-jokes.com/ .

The purpose of the activity is know some idioms, slangs, knock-knock jokes and use them into conversations with otheres. To know the words and use them, I can have some funs and roughs between  my friends.

I learned many new slangs, idioms, knock-knock-jokes. I already used some idioms. Idioms are easiest to use d8ring conversation. I used Rabbit Food yesterday. The meaning is food that include nuts, sheeds, and vegetables. Every lunch time, my friend bring many carots' sticks, biskets, bread, and milk. So. yesterday, I said to her, "You always have such as Rabbit Food." then  she roughed.

I also made own two knock-knock-jokes. It was so difficult to make it funny. And after I finished to make the dictionary, I presented it in EAL class. It was hard to explain my words.

The activity related to my goal this year. The activity gave me more words than I did the activity, and it gave me a practice for presentation. I'm not good at present my works, so it was so good for me.

Monday, May 9, 2011


The activity was, make a power point about Petroleum. Before I began to make a power point, I gathered some informations about the petroleum. I found about where was it first founded, by who. And also I gathered about how petroleum form, what is dialy used, and major effects oil has on the envirnment.

The purpse was, gathere information about petroleum, and make a powerpoint with these informations that I founded. I gathered informations from on internet, books and my father.

I learned abut many things about petroleum. I interested about way to take out oil from under the surface, I watched a video about how to take out oil from under the surface in MOE class.

I could have learned more differentry. To gather informations about oil, I felt, now we are having much oil, in middle east, America, Russia and  Asia. And the oil come from died organisms. Today, we don't have many places that organism could live than before, and many organisms gone from the Earth, so there are not much dead organism on the Earth. So, about milions years later, humans never find oils. Because, there weren't many dead organisms about milions years ago. Next human, our edsendants could find is just garbages maded plastics from about milions ago. So, i think human have to find good nergy for milions years later.

The activity related to my goal this year. The activity made me to think about oil in future, about millions later, and it also made me think humans are destoroying nature by cutting down trees to use trees or make buildings, and it became to difficultenvironment  that living things live, then living things decrease and we couldn`t get oil. Humans destoroyed nature, but I think human shouldn`t. Because, it effects us, humans, too. About millions of years later, human will not get living things for food human will also lost oil. It is going to be just our fort. And millions later,  human will get difficult to live without nature.


This quarter, I woked the Science Fair with my partner.  We made 3 different  dencity of salt water and a sugar water and we contrasted which water will have some crystals, which one will make a lot of crystals. I proposed that, how about make some different density of salt water and make crystals and contrast them. Then, my partner said, how about make a sugar water and try to make some crystals. So, we made 3 different density of salt water( A: 20% density , B: 30% density, 40% density) and a sugar water( 40% density) and tried to make crystals. My partner`s computer made break during the science fair due, so it was so hard for me, because we have to work it in the school and if we don`t finish, I had to finish it in my house.

The purpose was, to know which density of salt/ sugar water make cystals. We wanted to know, to make bigger crystals, we need  deep or thin density. We also wanted to know, the salt/ sugar water should be a lot or few.

I learned that to make crystals, we need dipper density of salt/ sugar water, because thin density water doesn`t make any crystals.

I think, we should try different density of sugar waters, too. Because, from the experiment that we did, we can`t say like, sugar water doesn`t make any crystals. Because, we did just 40% density salt water. Sugar water could have some crystals, if we tried for some different density like salt water one. If we did it, the experiment would be better.

The activity related to my goal this year. Next time, I have to have same conditions without a difference that I contrast between 2 things.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I played mile run, soccer and badmington in this quoter.

Mile run:  I runed a mile every single PE class. It was so hard, because we had PE at 1:00 and there was so hot outside.

Soccer: We played soccer outside. Usually we played it in kindergardens` tiny court, so it was easy to shoot to the soccer gole, but I couldn`t see who has the ball, because it was so tiny court.

                           Badmington: I played some game and I had test, too.



In thgis quarter, we prayed basketball and soccer. Until secound or third time of the PE class in this quarter, we played soccer, but there are became so hot outside, so we began to play basketball in inside gym. At first, we practiced body`s form of shoot, without basketball courts and passed a ball to another person, partner. Secound, we practiced shooting with basketball courts. We practiced different distances from courts. Then, my teacher splited us to 4 teams, our class had 2 game.

The purpose is to learn about basketball. We especially practiced shooting and passed a ball to another person, so I think the purpose of the activity is to make pass and shoot clearly, than play game.

I especially learned to pass a ball to team mates. Because, if I wrest the ball from the opponents, I miss up to pass the ball to my allies, I can`t get any point and my team lost chance to shoot and get a point. So, I learned be careful and keep cool during the game. Then, I probadly make good shoot and good pass.

I learned basketball in Japanese school last year, and I wasn`t good at basketball. But, this quoter I learned basketball again and my basketball skill became better than lastyear. So, I`m happy with it.

The activity related to my goal this year, because the activity made my  better player, and to did the activity, I became to like basketball.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The activity was, to make a presentation of  Drugs. Izatur, Erin and I made a power point presentation and a video about Drugs. In our textbook, there are 4 lessons, so we choosed Lesson 3. Izzatur and I worked toghether about first page of the lesson, but, without the page, Izzatur did everything in her home. The powerpoint was awesome. So, I checked her grammer, after she finished, and I added some pictures, and decolated.

The purpose of the project is understand about drugs. Our lesson was about "Drug Risks and Teens", so we learned, how drug affect teens bodies, and I learned drugs are so illegal.

I learned, human shouldn`t use drugs. Because, if a person use a drug and if arestted and went to jail, it would breaks family relationship, and neighbors, other people would see the family, like, the family is using many drugs. So, it is not just affect the person wh is using drugs. It could effect families, too.

Last year, in Japan, I learned about drugs on health textbook, but, to learn in the school again, I remenbered many important parts of drugs, so I think it was so good that I learned about drugs again in this school.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, I learned that drug effect bodies, and especially for teens. If I become to use drug, I become ill, because drug affect teens` many body systems. But, I want be higher and my height, so I never use drugs.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In this activity, I drew Africa and named all countries in Africa. To draw the map, first, I drew 7 point, that is so important to draw. ( 10N,  50E ) ( 5S, 40E ) ( 35S, 20E ) ( 5S, 10 E) ( 15N, 5W) ( 35N, 5W ) (30N, 20E) To draw these points, it could be so easily to draw map, because, I have to do is, just link these 6 points toghether. Then, I just draw Madagascar and make map shapely. After I drew the map, I named all countries on the African map. I learned about 12 countries each week. It wasn`t hard to name North Africa, but, it was so hard to name 14 tiny countries. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea. I practiced again and again about these countries, but, I think I got 2 wrong on the African countries` test.

The purpose is to know African continnent`s size, shape and location and learn location of each country on the African continent.  My teacher graded my map , as size, shape and location. I got 100/100 on the draw test of African continent. The activity wasn`t hard for me so much. Because, I never use English to draw outline of African map, all I had to do was just know location, size and shape.

I learned where  the African continent is located on the planet, and I also knew all  countries names in Africa.
About, 2, 3 month ago, there was a big demonstration in Africa`s many countries, such as Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia, etc. When, I heard that there were demonstration in some countries, I knew where these countries located. So, I can search the countries doing demonstrations is near or far from, where I`m living now and I understood news on TV very clearly.

I learned about some African countries from my classmates, too. In my class, there are some students from Africa, so I can learn from them about their home countries. If I learn information from them, it is realiable information.

This activity related to my goal this year. I learned Africa`s continent`s location, size and shape and the names of all countries in Africa. Now, I can draw Europe, Africa, and Asia. I can draw world map without North America and South America.

Monday, April 11, 2011


The activity was to own make game about own story. My story was "The Dog and the Bone". I made a board game, and it had about 15 questions. More than 2 person can play. The game begins from the Start and the rule is, first  roll the dise and move the number that you got it on the dise. Secound, answer the question, that you arived with the dise, if you get correct, you stay where you are staying and if you get incorrect, return one. When you rolled dise, you got "Chance?", you pick up a card that putten centre of the board game, and answer the card.

The purpose was, of course, learn new bocabralies, and also learn the motto of the story.
My story's motto was, "Don't be greedy that others have". At, first, I read the motto, I couldn't understand the meaning of it, but to read the story, I understanded the "Greedy"'s meaning very well.

First time that I read the story, I felt,, "What's the fanny story!". But, to make the game, I understood inside of the story's meaning and I thought, like, "It could be my story". Because sometimes I becomes greedy that others have. I think it could be all people on the planet, because, sometiome human should becomes greedy.
And my classmates and 2nd graders did the game, and they were having fun and 2nd gragers teached me many things. They told me my mistake of spelling of words, too. I like children, so it was really fun for me.

I could be so relaxed when I played the game with 2nd graders. I forgot that I`m speaking English. I felt like I`m speaking my language with them. Since I came the school, I still have some tensions. During I played the game with them, I forgot to be tension. Also after the game, too. During the school-time, I have tensions, and I am forgetting to make smiles. But, 2nd graders always be smile and happy, so I made big smile. Then, I knew that if I make smile, people around me become happy and my tensions, pressures will gone.

The activity related to my goal this year. I knew many words and to be smile like the 2nd graders. EAL students have a test twise a year, and if a student get good grade, the student will go out EAL. I don`t know when I can go out EAL, but I really don`t believe to go out EAL class. Because, it is good, fun class and wea have a nice teacher. Without EAL, the school project or study will be hard, too. I want stay EAL forever!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I wrote a poem. I had to use rhyme, repition, alliteration, simile and metaphor. It was hard to use them, and I tried to use them in my poem but, I really couldn`t use them in the poem very much. I used a few of these figurative languages in my poem. I used repition, rhyme and alliteration. It was too hard for me to write twenty lines of a poem , so my teacher gave me only ten lines.
The purpose was to have ideas for a poem, and to choose was correctly . My teacher said, " Make some rhythms( _|_|_|_|)in the poem" . But, it was so hard to write a poem with beautiful rhythms. I tried many words until the rhythms work, but, finally, I couldn`t put rhythms in my poet. So, my poet has strange rhythms
I learned to write my own poem, and I also enjoyed to writing a poem. It was fun to look for good words for my poem and when I found good words for my poem, I felt so confortable.
After I turned in the poem to my teacher, my teacher asked me, if my poet`s tittle was, "Sleeping Bag" it was a wonderful poem. I think so, too. If my tittle is " Sleeping bag", it  is going to be good.  And after my classmates turned their poem in, many students presented their poem. I learned write good poems heard others` poems and it was so fun to listen my classmates` poems. And since I came the school, I`m thinking, that, our classmates ( Americans) are never be shy to present something. My country`s classmates never could do that, because, they are so shy. I learned that, " Don`t be shy" to present.
This activity related to my goal this year. I`m learning about idiom in my EAL class. I already learned about a few idioms ( idiom is figurative language sometimes), so, I think it was so good that I learned about poetry and figulative language in L.A. I also got many new words and techniques of writing poem.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I learned about Cordoba, Alhambra and Marrakesh.
Cordoba and Alhambra are cities and  located in Spain.
Marrakesh is city and located in Morocco.
I saw movie to study about these cities in the class.
These city was muslim culture, but now Christian  influenced the region and
the culture became Christian and Islamic.
People in the cities changed muslim charch to christian charch.
So, these building looks like Christian and Islamic.
The buildings have many springs, and structures.

The purpose of the project is know about mixed with christian and muslim religion.
And after religiom mixed, and many culture and traditional thimgs became changed.
Because, the region influenced christian and Islamic.
The cities have many culture and some of the cities' people are christian.

I learned these countries that changed to  Christian to Islamic.
I amazed that there are some countries that have Islamic culture and Christian culture in the world.
These cities located in Spain and Morocco and the coutries' near to Arabian peninsula, Islamic counties.
So,  I think Islamic peple moved to Spain from Arabian peninsula and telled Islamic religion, culture and foods.

I could learned these cities more diffrently.
I couldn't understand the movie's English very well, so I gathered some informations
about Alhambra palace in Alhambra, Spain.

The project related to my goal  this year.
Because, I didn't know that Spain have Islamic cities and
it is interesting that muslim countries changed to Christian contries so  easily.


Monday, January 24, 2011


1. What was the activity?
     The activity was students had informatiom about Ibn Buttuta on internet
     and made a brochure about him.

2. What was its purpose?
     The purpose was know about Ibn Buttuta and
     learn what he did.

3.What did I learn?
     I learned that he was greatest traveller on the history.
     He was greatest traveller than Marco Polo and
     always he was travelling. He went almost all counties in the world.
     He was always travelled, but he borned Morocco and died Morocco too.
     His mother and his father died durling his long travell.

4.How could I have learned more/differently?
    If I had more information about Ibn Buttuta,
    the brochure was going to be better.
    I think I had to look for his books. Because on internet,
    there wasn't a lot of information.

5.How does this activity relate to my goal?
    The activity was relate to my goal this year.
    I knew about Ibn Buttuta very well.

Monday, January 17, 2011


1.What was the activity?
     The activity was I had information about him and
     made a brochure about Ibn Sina.

2.What was its purpose?
     The purpose was know about Ibn Sina,
     and understand about him.
3.What did I learn?
     I learned about Ibn Sina's family, words, study and
     books that he wrote.
     When he was ege of 10, he finished to study Quran.
     And When he was ege of 16, He began to learn  about medicines.
     And he finishes his study ege of 18.
     Then, after12 year after, He wrote "The Canon of Medicine".
     Now, still many person using the book to
     find information about medicines.

4.How could I have learned more\differently?
     If I had  more informatipon about him,
     the brochure was be more good.
     It was hard to find his information, because
     The Internet didn't  have about Ibn Sina's information  very well.
5.How does this activity relate to my goal this year?
     The activity related to my goal this year.
     I knew about him very well and
     I knew about Muslim have many scientists.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


1.What was the activity?
    The activity was wrote a world map and wrote countries` names, ocean and seas.

2.What was its purpose?
     The purpose was to know location of countries and learn spellings.

3.What did I learn?
     I learned to draw world .

4.How could I have learned more/differently?
     If I draw the world more shapeand pasitirn.

5.How does this activity relate to my goal this year?
     It was relate to my goal this year.
     I learned about many countries.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quarter 2

1. What was the activity?
    The activity was write an opinion paper about a topic. My topic was about recycling.
    I presented my topic too.

2. What was its purpose?
     To researched my topic, recycling by myself.

3. What did I learn?
     I learned many recycling systems of many countries.
     I learned now what people should do about recycling too.

4. How could I have learned/done things more/differently?
     I could learn if I had more information and more new words for me.

5. How does this activity relate to my goal this year?
     It related to my goal this year. I knew more than a lot of words, spelling, grammer, and learned to make
     sentences clearly.