Sunday, October 23, 2011

EAL G8 Quarter1 reflection

The activity was to read books about biography and present about the book in the class, using new vocabularies  which are biography, author, title, characters, setting, plot, and genre.

The purpose of the activity was to learn new vocaburaries. To use the vocabularies in the presentation, I can introduce my book in clearly way.

From this activity I learnt the useful vocaburaries. I also learnt the good way to present something, like make eye contacts, speak louder. On the presentation, I talked about to much plot of the book, but I think it made audience boring.

Because, my book was quite thin book, it had many pictures, but it had few information about the person I did, hence I coldn`t get much information about him. If I chose the book which has more information, I think I got more knowledge about him.

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