Thursday, April 14, 2011


In this activity, I drew Africa and named all countries in Africa. To draw the map, first, I drew 7 point, that is so important to draw. ( 10N,  50E ) ( 5S, 40E ) ( 35S, 20E ) ( 5S, 10 E) ( 15N, 5W) ( 35N, 5W ) (30N, 20E) To draw these points, it could be so easily to draw map, because, I have to do is, just link these 6 points toghether. Then, I just draw Madagascar and make map shapely. After I drew the map, I named all countries on the African map. I learned about 12 countries each week. It wasn`t hard to name North Africa, but, it was so hard to name 14 tiny countries. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea. I practiced again and again about these countries, but, I think I got 2 wrong on the African countries` test.

The purpose is to know African continnent`s size, shape and location and learn location of each country on the African continent.  My teacher graded my map , as size, shape and location. I got 100/100 on the draw test of African continent. The activity wasn`t hard for me so much. Because, I never use English to draw outline of African map, all I had to do was just know location, size and shape.

I learned where  the African continent is located on the planet, and I also knew all  countries names in Africa.
About, 2, 3 month ago, there was a big demonstration in Africa`s many countries, such as Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia, etc. When, I heard that there were demonstration in some countries, I knew where these countries located. So, I can search the countries doing demonstrations is near or far from, where I`m living now and I understood news on TV very clearly.

I learned about some African countries from my classmates, too. In my class, there are some students from Africa, so I can learn from them about their home countries. If I learn information from them, it is realiable information.

This activity related to my goal this year. I learned Africa`s continent`s location, size and shape and the names of all countries in Africa. Now, I can draw Europe, Africa, and Asia. I can draw world map without North America and South America.

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