Saturday, April 23, 2011


The activity was, to make a presentation of  Drugs. Izatur, Erin and I made a power point presentation and a video about Drugs. In our textbook, there are 4 lessons, so we choosed Lesson 3. Izzatur and I worked toghether about first page of the lesson, but, without the page, Izzatur did everything in her home. The powerpoint was awesome. So, I checked her grammer, after she finished, and I added some pictures, and decolated.

The purpose of the project is understand about drugs. Our lesson was about "Drug Risks and Teens", so we learned, how drug affect teens bodies, and I learned drugs are so illegal.

I learned, human shouldn`t use drugs. Because, if a person use a drug and if arestted and went to jail, it would breaks family relationship, and neighbors, other people would see the family, like, the family is using many drugs. So, it is not just affect the person wh is using drugs. It could effect families, too.

Last year, in Japan, I learned about drugs on health textbook, but, to learn in the school again, I remenbered many important parts of drugs, so I think it was so good that I learned about drugs again in this school.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, I learned that drug effect bodies, and especially for teens. If I become to use drug, I become ill, because drug affect teens` many body systems. But, I want be higher and my height, so I never use drugs.

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