Monday, January 24, 2011


1. What was the activity?
     The activity was students had informatiom about Ibn Buttuta on internet
     and made a brochure about him.

2. What was its purpose?
     The purpose was know about Ibn Buttuta and
     learn what he did.

3.What did I learn?
     I learned that he was greatest traveller on the history.
     He was greatest traveller than Marco Polo and
     always he was travelling. He went almost all counties in the world.
     He was always travelled, but he borned Morocco and died Morocco too.
     His mother and his father died durling his long travell.

4.How could I have learned more/differently?
    If I had more information about Ibn Buttuta,
    the brochure was going to be better.
    I think I had to look for his books. Because on internet,
    there wasn't a lot of information.

5.How does this activity relate to my goal?
    The activity was relate to my goal this year.
    I knew about Ibn Buttuta very well.

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