Saturday, May 14, 2011


The activity was to make a dictionary of idioms, slangs and knock-knock-jokes. First, I found 12 idioms from, www., 6 slangs from www. slangsite. com and 6 knock-knock jokes from .

The purpose of the activity is know some idioms, slangs, knock-knock jokes and use them into conversations with otheres. To know the words and use them, I can have some funs and roughs between  my friends.

I learned many new slangs, idioms, knock-knock-jokes. I already used some idioms. Idioms are easiest to use d8ring conversation. I used Rabbit Food yesterday. The meaning is food that include nuts, sheeds, and vegetables. Every lunch time, my friend bring many carots' sticks, biskets, bread, and milk. So. yesterday, I said to her, "You always have such as Rabbit Food." then  she roughed.

I also made own two knock-knock-jokes. It was so difficult to make it funny. And after I finished to make the dictionary, I presented it in EAL class. It was hard to explain my words.

The activity related to my goal this year. The activity gave me more words than I did the activity, and it gave me a practice for presentation. I'm not good at present my works, so it was so good for me.

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