Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In quarter 4, we did a presentation about drugs with partners. Every beginning of the class, we wrote jurnal that  our teacher give the topic for us. Every journal, I got 14 out of 15( included EAL points). It was hard to answer these questions, because my teacher ask me such as difficult and hard questions.

The purpose of the activity was to say own oppinion with informations from the textbook.
We wrote about, how can we respond to the drug use`s challenge, how can you avoid taking drugs, extrovert personality more at risk than the introvert personality.

I learned to make good paragraphs. After we read the textbook, on the jurnal, we should have summary of the xtbook in our brain, and we should write our oppinon with informations in our brain.

I learned more differently, because some people shared their oppinion before they write their oppinion on their paper, so I can heard many people`s oppinion before I write mine, and I can think the topic from many ways.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, it also gave me practice for writing.

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