Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In this quarter, I learned about geometric figures on Chapter 10. On Chapter 10, we learned about angles, special paira of angles, triangles, polygons, similar and congruent polygons and using proportions with similar polygons. We did test on Ch.10, Sec.1 to 4 on May 25th. There were so many new vocabs in Ch.10 and it was hard to remenber all of them. It was hard to remenber pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon. Because, all of them are sound like same for me, but on the test I didn`t get wrong about polygons.

The purpose of the activity was to study about geometric figures and to take the test, see improve that before we studied about the chapter.

I learned many vocabs with defenishons and to know these words, we soloved many questions, forexample, to find each corresponding angles in picture, you can use supplymentary, or congruent. To learn vocabs on textbook, we can solove the problems on textbook easily.

The activity was related to my goal this year. I loved the study, because I love polygons and solove each angles.

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