Friday, May 20, 2011


The activity was, to make a powerpoint. We had to made a powerpoint about ourself.

The purpose of the activity was, to present each self, because this quarter EAL had 3 newstudents,
 which is from ,Venezuela, Korea and Japan. I was one of the new student.

First, I learned how to make powerpoint presentation, because, it was 2nd time, that I made my powerpoint, because I didn`t learn how to make it in my home country. Secondly, I learned many vocabs and good grammer, it was so hard to make it, so sometimes, my father helped me.

I also presented my powerpoint in EAL class. Actually, I didn`t know that I`m going to present it, so I didn`t practice to present. So, it was hard to present. My classmate who knows how to speak my language helped me.

I think that the project related to my goal this year. In my country, I didn`t practice that present my work alone, hence I was so tense that I broke out in a cold sweat.

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