Saturday, October 29, 2011


The acrtivity was about Columbus's third voyage.  We draw a map that shows the sea route and write a essay about Columbus's 3rd voyage. We named all the countries, sea, ocean and islands on the map.

The purpose of the activity was to learn the searoute which Colubus sailed on his third voyage, I learned many countries.

To write the essay, I learned how did he get to the voyage, who provided funding the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage, the dates, months, year of the voyage, etc. To draw the map, I learned which islands or countries he visited to gather supplies for his voyage, which ocean he sailed, where he arrived at the end.

I couold learned differently, if I color the oceans, countries on the map darker. Because, from far place, it is hardly see where is ocean and lands.
The activity helped me a lot, because I didn't know who provided the voyage for him, the reason of the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage.

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