Sunday, May 22, 2011


In this quarter, I studied a poem. It`s called " The Rime Of  The Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Colidge. After, we studied the poem, we made 2 to 7 partners, and we did act on the poem. My partners were Izatur and Divya and we did part 3 of the poem. Izatur and I made the script of the act, Divya checked the grammar. Izatur and I also made the powerpoint, and Albatross. I bringed costumes. Divya did narrator, Izatur act the Ancient Mariner and Life in Death, I act the sailor and the death. It was hard to remenber my parts.

The purpose was to understand meaning of the poem and enjoy to study the poem. I enjoyed the act, but is was so hard to work, but my partners helped me.

I learned the meaning of the poem and I also learned how to act from my teacher.

It related to my goal this year.

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