Monday, May 9, 2011


The activity was, make a power point about Petroleum. Before I began to make a power point, I gathered some informations about the petroleum. I found about where was it first founded, by who. And also I gathered about how petroleum form, what is dialy used, and major effects oil has on the envirnment.

The purpse was, gathere information about petroleum, and make a powerpoint with these informations that I founded. I gathered informations from on internet, books and my father.

I learned abut many things about petroleum. I interested about way to take out oil from under the surface, I watched a video about how to take out oil from under the surface in MOE class.

I could have learned more differentry. To gather informations about oil, I felt, now we are having much oil, in middle east, America, Russia and  Asia. And the oil come from died organisms. Today, we don't have many places that organism could live than before, and many organisms gone from the Earth, so there are not much dead organism on the Earth. So, about milions years later, humans never find oils. Because, there weren't many dead organisms about milions years ago. Next human, our edsendants could find is just garbages maded plastics from about milions ago. So, i think human have to find good nergy for milions years later.

The activity related to my goal this year. The activity made me to think about oil in future, about millions later, and it also made me think humans are destoroying nature by cutting down trees to use trees or make buildings, and it became to difficultenvironment  that living things live, then living things decrease and we couldn`t get oil. Humans destoroyed nature, but I think human shouldn`t. Because, it effects us, humans, too. About millions of years later, human will not get living things for food human will also lost oil. It is going to be just our fort. And millions later,  human will get difficult to live without nature.

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