Sunday, April 10, 2011


I wrote a poem. I had to use rhyme, repition, alliteration, simile and metaphor. It was hard to use them, and I tried to use them in my poem but, I really couldn`t use them in the poem very much. I used a few of these figurative languages in my poem. I used repition, rhyme and alliteration. It was too hard for me to write twenty lines of a poem , so my teacher gave me only ten lines.
The purpose was to have ideas for a poem, and to choose was correctly . My teacher said, " Make some rhythms( _|_|_|_|)in the poem" . But, it was so hard to write a poem with beautiful rhythms. I tried many words until the rhythms work, but, finally, I couldn`t put rhythms in my poet. So, my poet has strange rhythms
I learned to write my own poem, and I also enjoyed to writing a poem. It was fun to look for good words for my poem and when I found good words for my poem, I felt so confortable.
After I turned in the poem to my teacher, my teacher asked me, if my poet`s tittle was, "Sleeping Bag" it was a wonderful poem. I think so, too. If my tittle is " Sleeping bag", it  is going to be good.  And after my classmates turned their poem in, many students presented their poem. I learned write good poems heard others` poems and it was so fun to listen my classmates` poems. And since I came the school, I`m thinking, that, our classmates ( Americans) are never be shy to present something. My country`s classmates never could do that, because, they are so shy. I learned that, " Don`t be shy" to present.
This activity related to my goal this year. I`m learning about idiom in my EAL class. I already learned about a few idioms ( idiom is figurative language sometimes), so, I think it was so good that I learned about poetry and figulative language in L.A. I also got many new words and techniques of writing poem.

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