Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In this quarter, we did Chapter 8 of our textbook. In the chapter, we did about ratios, rates, slope, writing and sloving proportions, solving proportions using crosss products, scale drawing and models. And  after we learned, we had chapter test.

The purpose of the activity is to learn about ratios and rate. In next chapter, I learned about fractions, angles. In there, I used ratios and rate, too.

I learned about ratios, and slope. On the chapter test, I missed graphing of slope. I was thinking that I can find slope with run/rise, but actually I had to do slope= rise/run.

I leaarned more differently. I went class zone of the moodle and I  practiced with it.

It related to my goal this year. I already learned it when I was 5th grade, but I was already forgetting many things about slope and ratios. So, this time, I can review many things that I have to know.

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