Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quarter 4

In this quarter, we learned about biomes such as forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest, boreal forest and tundra. And after that, we had a project about biomes. I made a partner and I did about grassland, my partner did about desert and presented it in the class. In the presentation, we had to have, introduce content, teach the content, reinforcement and  assessment.

The purpose of activity was, to understand about biomes. And to students present their project in class, audience can understand many biomes if they didn`t make a project about it.

I learned about grassland biomes very well. First, I saprised that there are a lot of grassland in many continents and all of the continents in the world have grassland biomes.  Meanwhile, there are not much desert biome in the world. And desert is spreaded out to many places. And I also didn`t know that desert receive less than 25 cm of rainfall in a year. I was thinking the rainfall in desert doesn`t have so much rain.

I learned the activity differently, because, I also watched my partner`s powerpoint and I studied, hence I can constrast and find similarrities brtween 2 biomes.

The activity related to my goal this year. To make the presentation about grassland, I understood about grassland, and I studied many internet site, so I had more informations than I judt study the textbook.

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