Sunday, April 24, 2011


I played mile run, soccer and badmington in this quoter.

Mile run:  I runed a mile every single PE class. It was so hard, because we had PE at 1:00 and there was so hot outside.

Soccer: We played soccer outside. Usually we played it in kindergardens` tiny court, so it was easy to shoot to the soccer gole, but I couldn`t see who has the ball, because it was so tiny court.

                           Badmington: I played some game and I had test, too.



In thgis quarter, we prayed basketball and soccer. Until secound or third time of the PE class in this quarter, we played soccer, but there are became so hot outside, so we began to play basketball in inside gym. At first, we practiced body`s form of shoot, without basketball courts and passed a ball to another person, partner. Secound, we practiced shooting with basketball courts. We practiced different distances from courts. Then, my teacher splited us to 4 teams, our class had 2 game.

The purpose is to learn about basketball. We especially practiced shooting and passed a ball to another person, so I think the purpose of the activity is to make pass and shoot clearly, than play game.

I especially learned to pass a ball to team mates. Because, if I wrest the ball from the opponents, I miss up to pass the ball to my allies, I can`t get any point and my team lost chance to shoot and get a point. So, I learned be careful and keep cool during the game. Then, I probadly make good shoot and good pass.

I learned basketball in Japanese school last year, and I wasn`t good at basketball. But, this quoter I learned basketball again and my basketball skill became better than lastyear. So, I`m happy with it.

The activity related to my goal this year, because the activity made my  better player, and to did the activity, I became to like basketball.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The activity was, to make a presentation of  Drugs. Izatur, Erin and I made a power point presentation and a video about Drugs. In our textbook, there are 4 lessons, so we choosed Lesson 3. Izzatur and I worked toghether about first page of the lesson, but, without the page, Izzatur did everything in her home. The powerpoint was awesome. So, I checked her grammer, after she finished, and I added some pictures, and decolated.

The purpose of the project is understand about drugs. Our lesson was about "Drug Risks and Teens", so we learned, how drug affect teens bodies, and I learned drugs are so illegal.

I learned, human shouldn`t use drugs. Because, if a person use a drug and if arestted and went to jail, it would breaks family relationship, and neighbors, other people would see the family, like, the family is using many drugs. So, it is not just affect the person wh is using drugs. It could effect families, too.

Last year, in Japan, I learned about drugs on health textbook, but, to learn in the school again, I remenbered many important parts of drugs, so I think it was so good that I learned about drugs again in this school.

The activity related to my goal this year. Because, I learned that drug effect bodies, and especially for teens. If I become to use drug, I become ill, because drug affect teens` many body systems. But, I want be higher and my height, so I never use drugs.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In this activity, I drew Africa and named all countries in Africa. To draw the map, first, I drew 7 point, that is so important to draw. ( 10N,  50E ) ( 5S, 40E ) ( 35S, 20E ) ( 5S, 10 E) ( 15N, 5W) ( 35N, 5W ) (30N, 20E) To draw these points, it could be so easily to draw map, because, I have to do is, just link these 6 points toghether. Then, I just draw Madagascar and make map shapely. After I drew the map, I named all countries on the African map. I learned about 12 countries each week. It wasn`t hard to name North Africa, but, it was so hard to name 14 tiny countries. Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea. I practiced again and again about these countries, but, I think I got 2 wrong on the African countries` test.

The purpose is to know African continnent`s size, shape and location and learn location of each country on the African continent.  My teacher graded my map , as size, shape and location. I got 100/100 on the draw test of African continent. The activity wasn`t hard for me so much. Because, I never use English to draw outline of African map, all I had to do was just know location, size and shape.

I learned where  the African continent is located on the planet, and I also knew all  countries names in Africa.
About, 2, 3 month ago, there was a big demonstration in Africa`s many countries, such as Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia, etc. When, I heard that there were demonstration in some countries, I knew where these countries located. So, I can search the countries doing demonstrations is near or far from, where I`m living now and I understood news on TV very clearly.

I learned about some African countries from my classmates, too. In my class, there are some students from Africa, so I can learn from them about their home countries. If I learn information from them, it is realiable information.

This activity related to my goal this year. I learned Africa`s continent`s location, size and shape and the names of all countries in Africa. Now, I can draw Europe, Africa, and Asia. I can draw world map without North America and South America.

Monday, April 11, 2011


The activity was to own make game about own story. My story was "The Dog and the Bone". I made a board game, and it had about 15 questions. More than 2 person can play. The game begins from the Start and the rule is, first  roll the dise and move the number that you got it on the dise. Secound, answer the question, that you arived with the dise, if you get correct, you stay where you are staying and if you get incorrect, return one. When you rolled dise, you got "Chance?", you pick up a card that putten centre of the board game, and answer the card.

The purpose was, of course, learn new bocabralies, and also learn the motto of the story.
My story's motto was, "Don't be greedy that others have". At, first, I read the motto, I couldn't understand the meaning of it, but to read the story, I understanded the "Greedy"'s meaning very well.

First time that I read the story, I felt,, "What's the fanny story!". But, to make the game, I understood inside of the story's meaning and I thought, like, "It could be my story". Because sometimes I becomes greedy that others have. I think it could be all people on the planet, because, sometiome human should becomes greedy.
And my classmates and 2nd graders did the game, and they were having fun and 2nd gragers teached me many things. They told me my mistake of spelling of words, too. I like children, so it was really fun for me.

I could be so relaxed when I played the game with 2nd graders. I forgot that I`m speaking English. I felt like I`m speaking my language with them. Since I came the school, I still have some tensions. During I played the game with them, I forgot to be tension. Also after the game, too. During the school-time, I have tensions, and I am forgetting to make smiles. But, 2nd graders always be smile and happy, so I made big smile. Then, I knew that if I make smile, people around me become happy and my tensions, pressures will gone.

The activity related to my goal this year. I knew many words and to be smile like the 2nd graders. EAL students have a test twise a year, and if a student get good grade, the student will go out EAL. I don`t know when I can go out EAL, but I really don`t believe to go out EAL class. Because, it is good, fun class and wea have a nice teacher. Without EAL, the school project or study will be hard, too. I want stay EAL forever!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I wrote a poem. I had to use rhyme, repition, alliteration, simile and metaphor. It was hard to use them, and I tried to use them in my poem but, I really couldn`t use them in the poem very much. I used a few of these figurative languages in my poem. I used repition, rhyme and alliteration. It was too hard for me to write twenty lines of a poem , so my teacher gave me only ten lines.
The purpose was to have ideas for a poem, and to choose was correctly . My teacher said, " Make some rhythms( _|_|_|_|)in the poem" . But, it was so hard to write a poem with beautiful rhythms. I tried many words until the rhythms work, but, finally, I couldn`t put rhythms in my poet. So, my poet has strange rhythms
I learned to write my own poem, and I also enjoyed to writing a poem. It was fun to look for good words for my poem and when I found good words for my poem, I felt so confortable.
After I turned in the poem to my teacher, my teacher asked me, if my poet`s tittle was, "Sleeping Bag" it was a wonderful poem. I think so, too. If my tittle is " Sleeping bag", it  is going to be good.  And after my classmates turned their poem in, many students presented their poem. I learned write good poems heard others` poems and it was so fun to listen my classmates` poems. And since I came the school, I`m thinking, that, our classmates ( Americans) are never be shy to present something. My country`s classmates never could do that, because, they are so shy. I learned that, " Don`t be shy" to present.
This activity related to my goal this year. I`m learning about idiom in my EAL class. I already learned about a few idioms ( idiom is figurative language sometimes), so, I think it was so good that I learned about poetry and figulative language in L.A. I also got many new words and techniques of writing poem.