Friday, February 17, 2012


By Presenting “The Hickory Toothpick”
The activity was to present a Tall-tale “The Hickory Toothpick” to an elementary class. First, all of us made the props together. To present a Tall-tale, we did many rehearsals in order to understand and remember the job which each of us need to do during the presentations. Before the every rehearsals, I placed my bag under the tables, a stovepipe and fire woods in the correct place. During the presentation, I did a narrator.

The purpose of the activity was to apply my knowledge of tall tale in words, pictures, drama and music. To acctually we act, I understood what is a talltale better than reading the definition of the "tall tale" in the dictionary. During the rehearsals, I saw my classmates acting, doing the background music and other important jobs and I learned the inporatance of all  jobs by doing the presentation.

I learned how to project my voice the concept of a tall Tale, how to make props, how to entertain grade 1 students, about pronunciation, enunciation and how to express in words and actions. I had to shout my voice usually,  make the fluency and read the important words louder than others. In the first rehearsal, I read the script in a quite small voice and none of my classmates seemed to heard me. So my teammates had no idea what to do . It was a hard job, because I had to help audiences to understand what’s going on during the tall-tale  act.

I think that we did really good job on the production. But, I could have done better if I acted, too. Because, I think the main parts of the Tall-Tale are acting, music, props and narration. In couple rehearsals, I did the backmusic and narrightor, but it didn`t work well.

Monday, February 6, 2012


The activity was to make a slideshow on any topics we studied this quarter. We chose least onr topic and made slideshow. This quarter, we learned about Saudi Flag, basic Arabic greetings, words, National Dressand  Arabic music. I did on the Saudi flag, The national dress, Arabic Food and Arabic music.

The purpose of the activity is to to review and recall what we learned this quarter by making own slideshow. To  make a slideshow, I can understand more than taking a quizes and tests. Because, on the test I just study my notes, but too make a powerpoint and present it, I need to research more informations o my topics to make my audience understand well.

I learned more informations by researching on my topics on the websites and to sum the informations I gathered, I can learn more, because I need to read the informations carefully to make the powerpoint clearly.

I could learned differently by doing couple topics, I did four topics which are Saudi Flag, The National Dress, Arabic Food and Arabic Music. I sumed them all really shorter to tell most inportant key points. I added some pictures on the powerpoint to make the powerpoint catchy and more interesting.

The activity realted to my goal this year. I learned many basic pieces of Arabic culture by making the powerpoint. Especially the notes I took from Ms.Soha is important, because I can't find the detailed and clearly notes on the internet.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The activity was to make a brocure of a country or a foods' menu using publisher. I made a travel brochure about a island called "Enoshima" which is located near Tokyo in Japan. The city is where my house in Japan locate.
 The purpose of the activity was to learn the way to use publisher and use it, make a informarional and catchy brochure. It was the first time for me to use the publisher, so it helped the knowledge of the computer. I learned so many things that I need to make a brochure. To use the publisher, I can make brochures easily  and quickly than I write everything by myself and print out pictures and paste them.

I learned diffrently if I put more interesting and famous informations about Enoshima and if I put bigger and catchy picture, I think it will be better.

The activity related to my goal this year, because I learned the way to make brochure on the publisher.


Science Fair Part A

Part A

I am working on the science fair with Su-Hyeon. Our question is,  "Which is easier for people to memorize? Picture or vocabulary?". We're testing 10 girls on short-term memorization. First, we show the participants 10 pictures of animals. They have to memorize it in 20 seconds and write the animals down. ( It doesn't need to be in odor and spelling doesn't count) Next, they have memorize 10 names of animals. We'll correct the data and make a graph. We finished partA and now we are working on Part B which is the final report.

The purpose of the activity is to find a topic which we think interesting, then do researches, we actually do a experiment by our self and make a conclusion. On the SMYLE journal, we are doing the same steps expect mainly the hypothesis and conclusion as the science fair project.

I learned the correct way to write a science report from the rubric and the textbook. To use the methods, I can make the the science project intuitive and catchy for the readers. Since I didn't finish the experiment yet, I don't know the result of it, but from the researches I learned that to memorize pictures are easier than memorizing words and the way learning vocabularies is used to treat  the patient of Dementia. It helps them to recall the many things they need to live.

I learned differently by doing another experiment. Before I begun this experiment I was testing the short-term memorization of 10 numbers by changing the gender. But, this experiment didn't work, it didn't make sense, because on the research we did, it says that girls memorize more than boys. But, actually boys were better. then, we realized that doesn`t answer our research questions much.

The activity related to my goal this year, because I learned the correct way to write report of sceience. Last year, I had science fair, but I didn`t understand what I was suppose to do.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012



The activity was to play badminton. I got in paires and practiced. I did doubles several times.

The purpose of the activity is to learn how
 to play badminton and its rule.

I could have learned diffrently if I knew the rule clearly. Because, I sometime got confused on the badminton`s rule.

The activity related to my goal this year. It improved my skills of badminton.


                                                            Colonial movie

The acitivity was to make a video about a colony which my group chose. We chose New York colony and did a drama of the lifestyle in New York. Since, we have no boys in our group, only girls, we did the lifestyle of colonial women. They didn`t have much rights at the time.

The purpose of the activity is to understand what we learned in class from textbook deeply. To choose one topic and do a project about it, we can understand more deeply than taking usual classes.

I learned differently by watchig other students` videos. They told me many clear informations about each colonies.

The activity related to my goal this year. I learned many new facts that I was not able to learn in the textbook about New York colony. For example, I was thinking colonial women were aloud to vote, but they actually didn`t. Only men did.

Monday, January 23, 2012


              The true confession of Charlotte Doyle Corage

The activity was to make a corrage on the transition of Charlotte Doyle. Before, middle and after.
The purpose of the activity is to understand the changes of Charlotte's personality. Before the voyage, Charlotte was elegant, charming and polite . So, I put a young lady with  a gorgeous white dress, a lady walking to a shipm a man wearing the cap of the captain. In the transition, the middle part, she was affected a lot by the Captain Jaggery. At the beginningm Charlotte thought that he was a a nice captain, becuase he reads bible and has a picture of his daughter. But, later. she rearizes that he is so cruel and hartless.  I put a lady wearing tanktop and her hair is weaving in the air, a lady who's wearing a eyemask and a diary dried cookies. I pasted the words, "dos, don'ts, wild, what to do, attagirl, toughie, Got stress?, life in death, I need to WRITE, WORK! Can you survive? Expose the truth, Who's really to blame?". After the voyage, when Charlotte finally back to America, her father forbids her to ever mention anyhing about what she had written during her voyage at sea. Charlotte is forced to return in prim and proper ways. She felt caged and runs away from her home. Charlotte choose the Seahawk instead of her home and her family. I put a lady siting on a swing, spinning, and cheering. And a black man sitting- for Zakariah. I put th ewords, "Family feeling, What makes you different is what makes you ferfect, be happier, shocking, unforgettable, Hey, it's okay. SMOOTH MOVE, Immediate relief No matter what the conditions.
By doing this project, I learned a lot of personal feelings, the characters' personalities or characteristics change in their situation,position and the classes. Charlotte is a good example. She was polite and elegant, because of her prim and proper enviroment. After the voyage, her personality changed extremly. She became brame, dark skin, short hair, and not good words.

The activity related to my goal this year. This book told me the transitions of a person which changes by the enviroment.