Friday, February 17, 2012


By Presenting “The Hickory Toothpick”
The activity was to present a Tall-tale “The Hickory Toothpick” to an elementary class. First, all of us made the props together. To present a Tall-tale, we did many rehearsals in order to understand and remember the job which each of us need to do during the presentations. Before the every rehearsals, I placed my bag under the tables, a stovepipe and fire woods in the correct place. During the presentation, I did a narrator.

The purpose of the activity was to apply my knowledge of tall tale in words, pictures, drama and music. To acctually we act, I understood what is a talltale better than reading the definition of the "tall tale" in the dictionary. During the rehearsals, I saw my classmates acting, doing the background music and other important jobs and I learned the inporatance of all  jobs by doing the presentation.

I learned how to project my voice the concept of a tall Tale, how to make props, how to entertain grade 1 students, about pronunciation, enunciation and how to express in words and actions. I had to shout my voice usually,  make the fluency and read the important words louder than others. In the first rehearsal, I read the script in a quite small voice and none of my classmates seemed to heard me. So my teammates had no idea what to do . It was a hard job, because I had to help audiences to understand what’s going on during the tall-tale  act.

I think that we did really good job on the production. But, I could have done better if I acted, too. Because, I think the main parts of the Tall-Tale are acting, music, props and narration. In couple rehearsals, I did the backmusic and narrightor, but it didn`t work well.

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