Thursday, November 3, 2011


  1. What was the activity?
The activity was to read a an assigned book called “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle” and did a project about the book. My group made a newspaper about the Charlotte Doyle and I woked on the personal ads and also helped  Su-Hyun with the comic.

2 What was the purpose of the activity?

The purpose of the activity was to understand what is happening in the book. To do the project, I read the book again and again to find hints for the project.

3. What did I learn?

I learned the the hiatorical back grounds from the book. The book published in 1990 and honored by many publishing companies and the the voyage that Charlotte had is in 1832. I know that the book doesn`t say the truth of the voyage that Charlotte had, but it is interesting that people still had slave and ladies were not aloud to work during this period, about 200 years ago. It is pretty recently, becuase from thebegging of the voyage to to day, there were I can imagin that 2 people of my ancestores died. Charlotte`s behavior made me suprise. She didn`t care if the Captain Jaggery tease her, or tried keel her, she didn`t care about her house`s normal social behavior, she just always believed her self and her best friends.

4. How could I learned differently?
I could learn differently if I did the news articles. I was thinking the topic is interesting, too. Because, to write article of the newpaper, I will write it from third person view.. I think the article on the nespaper and the truth that happend on the ship will be different because,  the publishing company sometimes get not truth such as a rumor.

5. Did the activity relate to your goal this year?
The activity related to my goal this year. It gave me many historical background, and the awesome personality of Charlotte and learnd new vocabularies.


The activity was to write a science journal called SMYLE. I did about a lava boulder on the moon and the system of voice. Especially, I interested about lava boulder on the moon and I will write abut this journal.

 The purpose of the activity was to research the topic that I interested and to write the journal, get knowledge about the topic. In my SMYTLE journal, the topic was "A Rabbit On The Moon". Because, in Japan, people says that the black stuff on the moon (lava boulder) looks like a rabbit. I interested that what  is the black stuff that Japanese call it a rabbit.
 I learned that the black stuff on the moon is the lava boulder that a volcano on the moon erupted and lava poured forth on the low ground. Before I reseatched about the topic, I was thinking that the black stuff is a shadow, I was missunderstanfing even my parents either.

 I think I could learn diffrently if I connected it to science and math. After I got the project buck, I connected it to science and math.  It can be science becuase, it is about the moon and astromy. It can be math because,  to know when the volcano erupted scientists use math.

 The activity related to my goal this year. To write the journal, I researched on the internet and it increased my knowledge.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


                      Real Life Example of coordinate Ch.2.8

My example of the coordinate plane is a map.
On the map at right side shows the picture of South America continent treasure chest, and ships. To put the map on the coordinate plane,it becomes easily to see the position of the ships.

Since I am able to know the position of each ships, I could know the gap between the treasure chest and the black, bigger ship. There are 3 gaps between the two objects.

I can also know the directon that the ships sailing. For example, the red smaller ship is sailing the east of the black bigger ship.

To use coordinate plane, it becomeseasier to determine te position and the direction of the ship.
From this example, I am able to know that the coordinate plane helps us in real life a lot.


The activity was on Chapter2 section 8. It was about coordinate plane.

The purpose of the activity was to have skills to plot points and ordered pairs in to the right location in coordinate plane, connect it to realworld by solve word ploblems.
 I learned the way to plot the points and describe its location in coodinate plane, learned new bocabularies such as coordinate plane, quadrants amd ordered pairs. On worded ploblem, it was littlebit hard, but it gave me idea that how coordinate plane used in the world.  

 I think I learned differently if I  remembered  the vocabularies for coordinate plane form last year, when I learned it, I think I did better. When I solove the problems, becasuse I don't know the vocabs of coordinate plane in English, I had to go back to the beggining page of the lesson to look for the meaning of  the vocabs.  But, finally before the exam, I learned the vocabs, and became to solove the problems quickly.

 The activity related to my goal this year.  I leaned coordinate plane and to connect it to real world example, I understood it deeply.