Sunday, October 30, 2011


The activity were to know the speaking skill and traditions, such as traditional clothes of Arabic, the Arabic countries in the world.
The purpose of the activity is to have the basic Arabic speaking skill, know the traditions, and know the Arabic countries in the world. On Virtual School day, I worked on lavelling the Arabic countries.
I leaned the basic skill of talking Arabic and few vocabularies such as Marhaba and Madlassa.
I have learned differently if I leaned about Saudi's flag. I was absent for a class, and I missed the class about flag of Saudi Arabia.
The activity related to my goal this year, I learned couple way of speaking and vocabularies in Arabic and learned traditions.


The activities were how to use citation machine, upload an image and the tab key.The most interesting activity for me was about tab key.
The purpose of the activity was to have a skill using tab key. To use tab key, I can write sentences clearly and neatly. I can line up the first vocabulary in same place and the place of colon.
From this activity, I learned  how to use tab key. Before I did the activity, I was using the middle biggest key to make spaces between two vocabularies. I was pushing the middle key again and again to line up the sentences. Now, I know how to make spaces not using the middle key.
There was a direction on the TAB key page of the technology, and it says write in a sentence or two about what is the tab key about. I couldn't explain it very well, so if I wrote it clearly, I think I have learned differently.
The activity related to my goal this year. The activity told me how to use the tab key. And to use the skill, I can use the skill when I do typing.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


The acrtivity was about Columbus's third voyage.  We draw a map that shows the sea route and write a essay about Columbus's 3rd voyage. We named all the countries, sea, ocean and islands on the map.

The purpose of the activity was to learn the searoute which Colubus sailed on his third voyage, I learned many countries.

To write the essay, I learned how did he get to the voyage, who provided funding the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage, the dates, months, year of the voyage, etc. To draw the map, I learned which islands or countries he visited to gather supplies for his voyage, which ocean he sailed, where he arrived at the end.

I couold learned differently, if I color the oceans, countries on the map darker. Because, from far place, it is hardly see where is ocean and lands.
The activity helped me a lot, because I didn't know who provided the voyage for him, the reason of the voyage, what was accomplished from that voyage.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The activity was to sing and how to read the music sheets.
The purpose of the activity was to get better sinnging skills. To learn a song, Ms. Christensen tought me the way to rwad music.
from this activity, I learnt how to sing louder, becuase Ms,Christensen was repeating "Sing louder" in the class. Because, we worked on French song, I leaent the proununciation of French, it was quite fun.

Quarter 1


The activity was to play voleyball. I had classes to practice surving, attack and tossing.  
I had a test on surving.

The puupose of the activity is to get the skills of voleyball and to get better.

From this activity I learnt how to surve. Last year, when I had same activity, I couldn`t do good surving much, but from this activity I understood how to surve. I got better on surving.

I think if I try for afterschool voleyball practice I will get better Voleyball playing skills.

The activity related to my goal this year.

EAL G8 Quarter1 reflection

The activity was to read books about biography and present about the book in the class, using new vocabularies  which are biography, author, title, characters, setting, plot, and genre.

The purpose of the activity was to learn new vocaburaries. To use the vocabularies in the presentation, I can introduce my book in clearly way.

From this activity I learnt the useful vocaburaries. I also learnt the good way to present something, like make eye contacts, speak louder. On the presentation, I talked about to much plot of the book, but I think it made audience boring.

Because, my book was quite thin book, it had many pictures, but it had few information about the person I did, hence I coldn`t get much information about him. If I chose the book which has more information, I think I got more knowledge about him.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

EAL Quarter1 reflection

The activity was to read a biography book and present it infront of the class, using the vocabs, which are biography, author, title, characters, settting, plot and genre. To use the vocabs, I can present about the book clearly.
The purpose of the activity was to practice presentation infront of the class. corageously. To use the vocabs which my teacher gave me, I don"t be lost during the presentation.
From this activity, I learnt the vocabs which my tacher gave me, and the vocabs from the biography book which I read amd presened. I also learned how to speak clearly in front of the class.
I got better English skills and presenting skills on the activity.