Tuesday, January 24, 2012



The activity was to play badminton. I got in paires and practiced. I did doubles several times.

The purpose of the activity is to learn how
 to play badminton and its rule.

I could have learned diffrently if I knew the rule clearly. Because, I sometime got confused on the badminton`s rule.

The activity related to my goal this year. It improved my skills of badminton.


                                                            Colonial movie

The acitivity was to make a video about a colony which my group chose. We chose New York colony and did a drama of the lifestyle in New York. Since, we have no boys in our group, only girls, we did the lifestyle of colonial women. They didn`t have much rights at the time.

The purpose of the activity is to understand what we learned in class from textbook deeply. To choose one topic and do a project about it, we can understand more deeply than taking usual classes.

I learned differently by watchig other students` videos. They told me many clear informations about each colonies.

The activity related to my goal this year. I learned many new facts that I was not able to learn in the textbook about New York colony. For example, I was thinking colonial women were aloud to vote, but they actually didn`t. Only men did.

Monday, January 23, 2012


              The true confession of Charlotte Doyle Corage

The activity was to make a corrage on the transition of Charlotte Doyle. Before, middle and after.
The purpose of the activity is to understand the changes of Charlotte's personality. Before the voyage, Charlotte was elegant, charming and polite . So, I put a young lady with  a gorgeous white dress, a lady walking to a shipm a man wearing the cap of the captain. In the transition, the middle part, she was affected a lot by the Captain Jaggery. At the beginningm Charlotte thought that he was a a nice captain, becuase he reads bible and has a picture of his daughter. But, later. she rearizes that he is so cruel and hartless.  I put a lady wearing tanktop and her hair is weaving in the air, a lady who's wearing a eyemask and a diary dried cookies. I pasted the words, "dos, don'ts, wild, what to do, attagirl, toughie, Got stress?, life in death, I need to WRITE, WORK! Can you survive? Expose the truth, Who's really to blame?". After the voyage, when Charlotte finally back to America, her father forbids her to ever mention anyhing about what she had written during her voyage at sea. Charlotte is forced to return in prim and proper ways. She felt caged and runs away from her home. Charlotte choose the Seahawk instead of her home and her family. I put a lady siting on a swing, spinning, and cheering. And a black man sitting- for Zakariah. I put th ewords, "Family feeling, What makes you different is what makes you ferfect, be happier, shocking, unforgettable, Hey, it's okay. SMOOTH MOVE, Immediate relief No matter what the conditions.
By doing this project, I learned a lot of personal feelings, the characters' personalities or characteristics change in their situation,position and the classes. Charlotte is a good example. She was polite and elegant, because of her prim and proper enviroment. After the voyage, her personality changed extremly. She became brame, dark skin, short hair, and not good words.

The activity related to my goal this year. This book told me the transitions of a person which changes by the enviroment.

Friday, January 20, 2012


 Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a way to write very small or very big numbers more simple and plainly.
The formula is C×1ⁿ and C is always 1≦C<10.
My real life example is about elements. Their mass are often really small that you can`t
scale them. But, I saw a scientific notation on the website which the mass  of a proton was
 written . Proton is a one of the smalles telement . If you write the mass of proton by not using
scientific notation, it represents as so big number.  But, to write the mass in scientific notation, 
it represents1.67 x 10-27kg. Now, you can see it clearly and you can imagine how big is the mass 
 and also compare with the mass of other elements.

The purpose of writing long numbers in scientific notation is to make the numbers looks simple and plain. By  making the number looks plain, it make s easier to guess how big is the number. It help reader to understand the fact easily.

I studied that scientific  notation is highly useful to quote physical quantities. To write physical quantities in scientific notation, you can write the numbers persuadely by changing the numbers simple and you can write the numbers shorter without wasting space.

I learned  more about scientific notation by writing this. I learned that it is used as well as in electric current such as calculators and many computer problem.

The activity related to my goal this year because I saw some scientific notation when I researched about an element on a science project. I didn`t know about scientific notation yet at that time, but now, I learned how to use and when to use them.